Honoring our young collaborators

Posted June 27, 2022, by Mindi Wisman

Friendly reminder! There’s still time to support Youth Catalytics’ Foresight Initiative!

As we continue to emerge from the pandemic into the many intersecting social justice movements of our time, we are coordinating focused conversations with a variety of young people who have direct or indirect interactions with the child and youth services field. We want to learn about their experiences over the last two plus years, what did and didn’t work well for them, and what recommendations they have for the field.

Over the next three months, partner agencies from across the country are holding these conversations with small groups, affirming Youth Catalytics’ longstanding commitment to amplify the voices and opinions of young people. We’re hearing perspectives like this one from an AmeriCorps member in a conversation held last month at DIAL/SELF:

“We’re discovering pathways to learning that are outside of school. The pandemic made us think about different ways to educate ourselves and look at our lives. The breaking of the system, as unfortunate as that’s been, has helped us imagine new possibilities.”

The Foresight Honorarium Fund will support our partner agencies and the 50 or so young people who are contributing to this initiative.

We want to give a shout out to our initial partners:

The Youth Catalytics Board has committed $2,500 towards our goal of $5,000 for this special fund. Please consider supporting these young collaborators with your contribution. 

The deadline: July 7, 2022

Also, throughout the summer you’ll see and hear interviews with additional experts and national leaders posted on our website. It’s easy to donate to the Honorarium Fund online or by mail. Or, you may choose to support the entire Foresight Initiative, which funds our researchers, writers, and production costs.

Thank you!


‘The work is so much bigger than it ever was.’ Our conversation with Bridget Alexander.


Seen, supported, and heard: Helping transgender and nonbinary youth